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deep dive int​o your greatness


WRITE the ​VISION and ​MAKE it PLAIN ...

In the spirit of the timeless wisdom, "write the vision, ​and make it plain," "My AwesomeSauce Is Enough" ​emerges as more than just a blank journal—it's a ​sanctuary for your dreams, a testament to your inherent ​worth, and a companion in your journey towards ​awareness and personal greatness. Designed for ​dreamers, believers, and everyone in between, this ​journal invites you to inscribe your vision, making each ​aspiration tangible and clear.

Why Choose “My AwesomeSauce Is Enough?”

  • Empowerment on Every Page: Each page serves as a blank canvas for your visions. As you fill ​these pages, you're not just writing; you're affirming that your voice, story, and dreams matter.

  • Quality Craftsmanship: Elegantly designed, featuring durable covers and high-quality paper, ​perfectly bound, ready to accompany you through daily reflections.

  • Versatile Use: Whether it's journaling, sketching, planning, or doodling, adapt it to your needs, ​embodying the essence of making your vision plain.

  • Eco-Friendly: Crafted with sustainable materials, honoring your journey and our planet.

"My AwesomeSauce Is Enough" is more than just a journal; it’s a declaration of your extraordinary potential, ​inspired by your wisdom to bring your dreams to reality. Whether you’re a writer, artist, student, professional, ​or dreamer, your journey toward embracing your authentic self and making your dreams tangible starts with a ​single page.

Are You Ready?

Em​brace Your Story

Let "My AwesomeSauce Is Enough" be the ​vessel through which your vision becomes ​clear and actionable.

Jo​in Our Community

Share your journey with like-minded ​individuals, all inspired to make their visions ​plain and honor their ​greatness.

Le​ave A Legacy

Your words have power. Begin your journey ​today, and let "My AwesomeSauce Is ​Enough" be the foundation upon which your ​life lessons, messages from the heart, and ​personal values are documented for love​d ones ​and future generations.

Multipointed Star

Begin Your ​Journey ​Today​

Inspired by the scripture Habakkuk 2:2, "Write the vision and ​make it plain," and the transformative power of journaling, ​Gloria has created the daily reflection journal, "My ​AwesomeSauce is Enough." She believes journaling is a ​crucial, yet often challenging, step towards manifesting one’s ​life goals and dreams. For many, taking time to pen down ​thoughts, dreams, and aspirations and strategize for the ​future proves difficult. Gloria aims to simplify this process, ​making it accessible and engaging for everyone.

With a rich tapestry of experience that spans over two ​decades, Gloria's professional journey is a celebration of ​storytelling. From the prestigious halls of corporations to the ​community-centric heart of non-profits, her narrative has ​consistently delivered impact, innovation, and inspiration. ​Today, Gloria is driven by a desire to live out her purpose ​and share her gifts. She inspires others to trust their inner ​knowing, value their self-worth, rise above challenges, ​nurture their inner strengths, and reclaim, refine, and restore ​their authenticity.

Gloria’s vision for "My AwesomeSauce is Enough" extends ​beyond mere journaling; it's an invitation to embark on a ​journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through her ​daily reflection journal, she purposely created a blank canvas ​to encourage everyone to envision their dreams and make ​them a reality on paper, setting the foundation for their life ​goals and fulfillment.

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Gloria coleman


Order Now And

Transform Your Tomorrow

Your path to self-discovery and personal achievement, ​guided by the principle of making your vision plain, ​awaits. With "My AwesomeSauce Is Enough," every page ​you inscribe is a step towards bringing your visions to ​fruition. Order now and share your experience.

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Your Journal ​Journey ​Awaits


Paperback $10.99 | Hardcover: $16.99

Please Note: Shipping for the Hardcover edition is estimated at 3-4 weeks due to print demand. ​Our commitment to delivering perfectly crafted journals of the highest quality is a top priority.

Cozy Window Nook with Open Journal And Coffee

The Journal Journey Blog

My AwesomeSauce Is Enough




Unlock the Power of ​Your Mornings: 10 ​Journaling Prompts ​to Kickstart Your Day

Morning rituals vary from one person to the next. Some opt for ​prayer and meditation, others a vigorous workout. Yet, there's ​one additional practice that can help center your thoughts and ​set a positive tone for the day ahead: journaling. Writing daily in ​a journal is a powerful way to clarify your thoughts, prioritize ​your day, and align with your long-term visions. Here are ten ​morning journaling prompts to infuse your day with intention ​and purpose.


Gr​atitude Grounding

“What are three things I am grateful for today? Starting your day with gratitude can shift your mindset to one of ​abundance and positivity, which can carry you through any challenges ​that come your way.”


Da​ily Affirmations

"What positive affirmations will guide me today?" Whether it's a statement of self-worth or a mantra of ​perseverance, affirmations can be a source of strength and self-belief.


In​tention Setting

"What is my intention for today?" Setting a daily intention can give you a yardstick for decision-making and help ​you stay focused on what truly matters.


Go​al Focus

"What is one goal I want to prioritize today?" By identifying a specific goal each day, you're creating a roadmap for ​success and progress.


Em​otional Check-in

"How am I feeling this morning, and why?" Recognizing and acknowledging your emotions can lead to deeper self-​understanding and emotional intelligence.


Cr​eative Spark

"What ideas are brewing in my mind that I can explore today?" Morning is often a time when the mind is most open ​to creative thinking; use this time to tap into your innate creativity.


Le​ssons Learned

"What did I learn from yesterday that I can apply today?" Reflect on the previous day's experiences and consider ​how they can inform today's actions.


Ob​stacle Overcoming

"What challenges might I face today, and how will I navigate them?" Anticipating challenges and contemplating ​solutions can empower you to handle difficulties with grace.


Mi​ndfulness Moment

"What can I do to live more mindfully today?" Consider ways to be present in the moment, whether through a ​breathing exercise, a walk, or simply savoring your morning coffee. (I do enjoy my morning coffee ☕️ 😊)


Se​lf-Care Commitment

"How will I take care of myself today?" Remembering to prioritize your well-being is crucial for maintaining balance ​and energy.

Journaling doesn't have to be time-consuming; even a few minutes each morning can make a significant difference. "My ​AwesomeSauce is Enough" journal is designed to be your perfect morning companion, providing a space for reflection, ​inspiration, and personal growth. As you work through these pointers, you'll find your days beginning with more clarity and ​your goals feeling within reach.

Start your morning with purpose and watch as the rest of your day unfolds with intention and direction. Remember, each ​new dawn is an opportunity to craft the life you envision for yourself, one day at a time.

All the Best,

Ms. Glo

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Navigating through life like a ship without a compass—many ​directions but lacking precision. That was until I embraced the ​wisdom of Habakkuk 2:2, "...write the vision and make it plain..." in ​my life. This ancient wisdom unlocked the power of transforming ​my dreams into tangible goals. Here's how the simple act of ​journaling changed my life and why I believe it can change yours, ​too.

Journaling became my compass, guiding me through the turbulent ​waters of uncertainty, especially after becoming a S.O.L.O. (Self-​reliant, Omnipotent, Loving, Optimistic) parent. Each stroke of the ​pen became a deliberate step towards clarity and purpose. As I ​poured my thoughts onto paper, the abstract became concrete, ​the chaos turned into order. I discovered the magic of penning ​down my dreams, giving them a place to breathe and grow.

The Turning Point: Discovering the Transformative Power of Writing Down Visions

Like many, I understood the impact that writing down your dreams, i.e., goals, could have on my life. I didn't take the time to ​write them down. I kept them locked away in my safe deposit chamber, my head. Tracking them in my head was working out ​just fine, so I thought. However, after hearing on numerous occasions how the impact of journaling was having on friends and ​leaders who surrounded me in life, it was compelling evidence that those who write down their goals are significantly more ​likely to achieve them. Writing provided the clarity that turned my abstract dreams into clear, actionable objectives. This clarity ​wasn't just about knowing what I wanted but charting a path to get there.

As I began to put pen to paper and write down my dreams, I felt a sense of liberation. It was as though each word I wrote ​breathed life into my aspirations, transforming them from mere thoughts into tangible possibilities. The act of journaling not ​only allowed me to set specific goals but also gave me a roadmap to follow. I found myself more focused, motivated, and ​driven towards turning my dreams into reality.

With each entry in my journal, I could see progress, no matter how small, and it fueled my determination to keep pushing ​forward. The pages of my journal became a testament to my growth, a reminder of how far I had come and how much further I ​could go. It was a powerful tool that not only helped me achieve my goals but also provided a space for reflection, gratitude, ​and self-discovery.

Through writing down my dreams, I discovered the power of intention, the art of visualization, and the importance of ​accountability. My journal became a companion on my journey, a confidant where I could pour out my hopes, fears, and ​aspirations without judgment. It was a safe space where I could be my most authentic self and dream without limits.

Today, as I look back at the entries in my journal, I am filled with pride at all that I have accomplished. Each goal achieved is a ​testament to the power of writing down your dreams and taking intentional steps towards them. So, if you too have dreams ​waiting to be unleashed, grab a pen, open a blank page, and watch as your aspirations come to life through the magic of ​journaling.

Presenting "My AwesomeSauce Is Enough"

Writing down my vision ignited a transformative path of self-discovery and success. This practice inspired the creation of the ​"My AwesomeSauce is Enough" journal. If you find yourself at a crossroads between your dreams and the reality you want, grab ​a pen. Start by writing and let "My AwesomeSauce is Enough" lead you towards illuminating your visions and making them ​come true. Your dreams are valid, and achieving them is possible—begin writing, begin accomplishing, and most importantly, ​believe in yourself again.

All the Best,

Ms. Glo